Project objectives:
The CSW Broadband Project will bring improved broadband speeds across Solihull and Warwickshire. Funded by Central Government, Local Authorities and ERDF (EU) money, the aim (depending on funding) is to achieve 98% coverage at superfast speeds (minimum 30Mbps) by the end of December 2023.
We aim to achieve the uplift to 30Mbps through the provision of a wholesale network that will cover those areas that will not be reached through commercial providers’ broadband roll-out plans.
The aim of providing a high quality wholesale network is that it will not only increase superfast broadband coverage, but will also enable a wide range of providers to offer services, thus increasing competition and driving down prices for subscribers.
Project partners:
- Warwickshire County Council (Lead Partner)
- Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
- North Warwickshire Borough Council
- Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council
- Rugby Borough Council
- Warwick District council
- Stratford District Council
Anticipated benefits:
- By 2023, 98% of the population across the project area will be able to access superfast services (min 30Mbps)
- Improved access to broadband for residents and businesses through the delivery of increased speeds to more areas in the sub-region
- An opportunity for public sector partners to reduce the costs associated with their own networks through joint procurement and operation
- Joint network facilities which will offer further opportunities for joint working and information sharing between public sector partners, including the potential for more shared services
- Support property rationalisation initiatives by reducing network dependency on individual buildings, and facilitating future sharing of offices.